(* Corresponding author; # These authors contributed equally.)
1. Li X-D#, Gao Y-Q#, Wu W-H, Chen L-M*, Wang Y* (2022) Two calcium-dependent protein kinases enhance maize drought tolerance by activating anion channel ZmSLAC1 in guard cells. Plant Biotechnol. J. 20:143-157.
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4. Wang Y#, Chen Y-F#, Wu W-H* (2021) Potassium and phosphorus transport and signaling in plants. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 63:34-52.
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7. Qin Y-J, Wu W-H, Wang Y* (2019) ZmHAK5 and ZmHAK1 function in K+ uptake and distribution in maize under low K+ conditions. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 61:691-705.
8. Gao Y-Q, Wu W-H, Wang Y* (2019) Electrophysiological identification and activity analyses of plasma membrane K+ channels in maize guard cells. Plant Cell Physiol. 60:765-777.
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10. Gao Y-Q, Wu W-H, Wang Y* (2017) The K+ channel KZM2 is involved in stomatal movement by modulating inward K+ currents in maize guard cells. Plant J. 92:662-675.
11. Wang Y, Wu W-H* (2017) Regulation of potassium transport and signaling in plants. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 39:123-128.
12. Li H, Yu M, Du X-Q, Wang Z-F, Wu W-H, Quintero FJ, Jin X-H, Li H-D, Wang Y* (2017) NRT1.5/NPF7.3 functions as a proton-coupled H+/K+ antiporter for K+ loading into the xylem in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 29:2016-2026.
13. Li J, Wu W-H, Wang Y* (2017) Potassium channel AKT1 is involved in the auxin-mediated root growth inhibition in Arabidopsis response to low K+ stress. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 59:895-909.
14. Behera S#, Long Y#, Schmitz-Thom I, Wang X-P, Zhang C, Li H, Steinhorst L, Manishankar P, Ren X-L, Offenborn JN, Wu W-H, Kudla J*, Wang Y* (2017) Two spatially and temporally distinct Ca2+ signals convey Arabidopsis thaliana responses to K+ deficiency. New Phytol. 213:739-750.
15. Zhao S#, Zhang M-L#, Ma T-L, Wang Y* (2016) Phosphorylation of ARF2 relieves its repression of transcription of the K+ transporter gene HAK5 in response to low potassium stress. Plant Cell. 28:3005-3019.
16. Wang X-P#, Chen L-M#, Liu W-X, Shen L-K, Wang F-L, Zhou Y, Zhang Z, Wu W-H, Wang Y* (2016) AtKC1 and CIPK23 synergistically modulate AKT1-mediated low potassium stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 170:2264-2277.
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