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    联系电话:86-10-62733166 (O); 86-10-62733115 (L)
    E-mail: mxu@cau.edu.cn

徐明良,男,19642月出生,中国农业大学教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师,中国高被引学者。1984年获浙江农业大学学士,1987年获江苏农学院硕士,1996年获复旦大学博士学位。1997-1999年德国Hohenheim大学博士后,1999-2002美国Illinois大学博士后。1987-2002为扬州大学助教、讲师、副教授、教授,2003年受聘中国农业大学教授至今。兼任《TAG》、《Crop Journal》、《JIA》等杂志编委,《作物学报》副主编。完成和主持国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金、重点项目,科技部重点专项计划等多个国家级项目。在Nature GeneticsNature CommunicationsPNASPlant Cell等主流杂志上发表SCI论文70多篇。




Publications*corresponding author


1.      Zhong T, Zhu M, Zhang QQ, Zhang Y, Deng SN, Guo CY, Xu L, Liu TT, Li YC, Bi YQ, Fan XM, Balint-Kurti P, Xu ML* (2023). ZmWAKL-mediated immunity underlies quantitative disease resistance to gray leaf spot in maize. Nature Genetics Accepted!

2.      Du FL, Tao YF, Ma CY, Zhu M, Guo CY, & Xu ML* (2023). Effects of the quantitative trait locus qPss3 on inhibition of photoperiod sensitivity and resistance to stalk rot disease in maize. Theor Appl Genet 136:126.



3.      Tong LX, Yan MZ, Zhu M, Yang J, Li YP, and Xu ML*. 2022. ZmCCT haplotype H5 improves yield, stalk-rot resistance, and drought tolerance in maize. Frontiers in plant science, 2937.

4.      Gou MY, Balint‐Kurti P, Xu ML*, and Yang Q*. Quantitative disease resistance: Multifaceted players in plant defense. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2022.



5.      Zhu M, Tong LX, Xu ML, Tao Zhong. Genetic dissection of maize disease resistance and its applications in molecular breeding. Molecular Breeding, 2021, 41(5): 1-22.

6.      Zhang BQ, Zhang N, Zhang QQ, Xu QY, Zhong T, Zhang KY and Xu ML*. 2021. Transcriptome profiles of Sporisorium reilianum during the early infection of resistant and susceptible maize
isogenic lines. J. Fungi, 7, 150.



7.      Liu QC, Deng SN, Liu BS, Tao YF, Ai HY, Liu JJ, Zhang YZ, Yan Zhao Y and Xu ML*. 2020. A helitron-induced RabGDI alpha variant causes quantitative recessive resistance to maize rough dwarf disease. Nature Communications. 11:495 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-14372-3


8.      Yao LS, Li YM, Ma CY, Tong LX, Du FL and Xu ML* 2020. Combined genome‐wide association study and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes for resistance to Fusarium ear rot in maize. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. doi: 10.1111/jipb.12911


9.      Liu JJ, Hui Yu H, Liu YL, Deng SN, Liu QC, Liu BS and Xu ML*. 2020. Genetic dissection of grain water content and dehydration rate related to mechanical harvest in maize. BMC Plant Biology. 20:118 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-020-2302-0



10.   Ye JR, Zhong T, Zhang DF, Ma CY, Wang LN, Yao LS, Zhang QQ, Zhu M, Xu ML*. 2018. The auxin-regulated protein ZmAuxRP1 coordinates the balance between root growth and stalk-rot disease resistance in maize. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2018.10.005



11.   Leng PF, Lübberstedt T, Xu ML*. 2017. Genomics-assisted breeding-A revolutionary strategy for crop improvement. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16: 2674-2685


12.   Li YP, Xu ML*. 2017. CCT family genes in cereal crops: A current overview. Crop Journal, 5:449-458.


13.   Li YP, Tong LX, Deng LL, Liu QY, Xing YX, Wang C, Liu BS, Yang XH, Xu ML*. 2017. Evaluation of ZmCCT haplotypes for genetic improvement of maize hybrids. Theor Appl Genet 130: 2587-2600.

14.   Leng PF, Ji Q, Asp T, Frei, UK, Ingvardsen CR, Xing YZ, Studer B, Redinbaugh M, Jones M, Gajjar P, Liu SS, Fei Li, Pan GT, Xu ML*, Lübberstedt T*. 2017. Auxin Binding Protein 1 Reinforces Resistance to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus in Maize. Molecular Plant 10: 1357-1360


15.   Wang C, Yang Q, Wang WX, Li YP, Guo YL, Zhang DF, Ma XN, Song W, Zhao JR, Xu ML*. 2017. A transposon-directed epigenetic change in ZmCCT underlies quantitative resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize. New Phytologist 215: 1503-1515


16.   Ma CY, Ma XN, Yao LS, Liu YJ, Du FL, Yang XH, Xu ML*. 2017. qRfg3, a novel quantitative resistance locus against Gibberella stalk rot in maize. Theor Appl Genet 130: 1723–1734


17.   Zhang N, Zhang BQ, Zuo WL, Xing YX, Konlasuk S, Tan GQ, Zhang QQ, Ye JR, Xu ML*. 2017. Cytological and Molecular Characterization of ZmWAK-Mediated Head-Smut Resistance in Maize. Plant-Microbe Interact 30:455-465


18.   Yang Q, Balint-Kurti P, Xu ML*. 2017. Quantitative disease resistance: dissection and adoption in maize. Molecular Plant, 10: 402-413


19.   Liu QQ, Liu HH, Gong YQ, Tao YF,Jiang L, Zuo WL, Yang Q, Ye JR, Lai JS, Wu JY, Lübberstedt T, Xu ML*. 2017. An Atypical Thioredoxin Imparts Early Resistance to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus in Maize. Molecular Plant, 10:483-497.



20.   Zhao XR, Ye JR, Lai Wei L, Zhang N, Xing YX, Zuo WL, Chao Q, Tan GQ, Xu ML. 2015. Inhibition of the spread of endophytic Sporisorium reilianum renders maize resistance to head smut. The Crop Journal, 3: 87-95


21.   Konlasuk S. Xing YX. Zhang N. Zuo WL. Zhang BQ. Tan GQ. Xu ML. 2015. ZmWAK, a quantitative resistance gene to head smut in maize, improves yield performance by reducing the endophytic pathogen Sporisorium reiliana. Mol Breeding, 35:174. DOI 10.1007/s11032-015-0325-2


22.   Zuo WL, Chao Q, Zhang N, Ye JR, Tan GQ, Li BL, Xing YX, Zhang BQ, Liu HJ, Fengler A. Kevin, Zhao J, Zhao XR, Chen YS, Lai JS, Yan JB, Xu ML. 2015. A maize wall-associated kinase confers quantitative resistance to head smut. Nature Genetics, 47:151-157



23.   Xu L, Zhang Y, Shao SQ, Chen W, Tan J, Zhu M, Zhong T, Fan XM and Xu ML*. 2014. High-resolution mapping and characterization of qRgls2, a major quantitative trait locus involved in maize resistance to gray leaf spot. BMC Plant Biology, 14:230



24.   Zhang Y, Luebberstedt Thomas, Xu ML*. 2013. The Genetic and Molecular Basis of Plant Resistance to Pathogens. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 40: 23-35.


25.   Hou J, Xing YX, Zhang Y, Tao YF, Tan GQ, Xu ML*. 2013. Identification of quantitative trait loci for resistance to Curvularia leaf spot of maize. Mydica, 58:266-283


26.   Ye JR, Guo YL, Zhang DF, Zhang N, Wang C, Xu ML*. 2013. Cytological and Molecular Characterization of QTL-qRfg1 Which Confers Resistance to Gibberella Stalk-Rot Disease in Maize. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 26:1417-1428.


27.   Yang Q, Li Z, Li WQ, Ku LX, Wang C, Ye JR, Li K, Yang N, Li YP, Zhong T, Li JS, Chen YH, Yan JB, Yang XH, Xu ML*. 2013. CACTA-like transposable element in ZmCCT attenuated photoperiod sensitivity and accelerated the post-domestication spread of maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 110: 16969–16974


28.   Tao YF, Liu QC, Wang HH, Zhang YJ, Huang XY, Wang BB, Lai JS, Ye JR, Liu BS and Xu ML*. 2013. Identification and fine-mapping of a QTL, qMrdd1, that confers recessive resistance to maize rough dwarf disease. BMC Plant Biology, 13:145


29.   Tao YF, Jiang L, Liu QQ, Zhang Y, Zhang R, Ingvardsen RC, Frei UK, Wang BB, Lai JS, Lübberstedt T and Xu ML*. 2013. Combined linkage and association mapping reveals candidates for Scmv1, a major locus involved in resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) in maize. BMC Plant Biology, 13:162



30.   Zhang Y, Xu L, Fan XM, Tan J, Chen W, Xu ML*. 2012. QTL mapping of resistance to gray leaf spot in maize. Theor Appl Genet 125:1797-1808.


31.   Yang Q, Zhang DF, Xu ML*. 2012. A Sequential Quantitative Trait Locus Fine-Mapping Strategy Using Recombinant-Derived Progeny. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 54: 228–237


32.   Ji Q, Zhang MJ, Lu JF, Wang HM, Lin B, Liu QQ, Chao Q, Zhang Y, Liu CX, Gu MH, Xu ML*. 2012. Molecular Basis Underlying the S5-Dependent Reproductive Isolation and Compatibility of Indica/Japonica Rice Hybrids. Plant Physiology, 158: 1319–1328


33.   Ye JR, Xu ML. 2011. ActinbundlerPLIM2s are involved in the regulation of pollen development and tube growth in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology 169:516-522


34.   Zhang DF, Liu YJ, Guo YL, Yang Q, Ye JR, Chen SJ, Xu ML*. 2012 Fine-mapping of qRfg2, a QTL for resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize. Theor Appl Genet, 124:585–596.


35.   Zhao XR, Tan GQ, Xing YX, Wei L, Chao Q, Zuo WL, Lubberstedt T, Xu ML*. 2012. Marker-assisted introgression of qHSR1 to improve maize resistance to head smut. Mol Breeding, 30:1077–1088.



36.   Ji Q, Lu JF, Chao Q, Zhang Y, Zhang MJ, Gu MH, Xu ML*. 2010. Two sequence alterations, a 136-bp InDel and an A/C polymorphic site, in the S5 locus are associated with compatibility of indica/japonica hybrid in rice. J. Genet. Genomics 37:57-68

37.   Yang Q, Yin GM, Guo YL, Zhang DF, Chen SJ, Xu ML*. 2010. A major QTL for resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize. Theor Appl Genet, 121:673-687


38.   Lai JS, Li RQ, Xu X, Jin WW, Xu ML, Zhao HN, Xiang ZK, Song WB, Ying K, Zhang M, Jiao YP, Ni PX, Zhang JG, Li D, Guo XS, Ye KX, Jian M, Wang B, Zheng HS, Liang HQ, Zhang XQ, Wang SC, Cheng SJ, Li JS, Fu Y, Springer NM, Yang HM, Wang JA, Dai JR, Schnable PS, and Wang J. Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation among elite maize inbred lines. Nature Genetics, 2010, 42:1027-1030.



39.   Usarowska A, Dionisio G, Sarholz B, Piepho HP, Xu ML, Ingvardsen CR, Wenzel G, Lübberstedt T. 2009. Validation of candidate genes putatively associated with resistance to   SCMV and MDMV in maize (Zea mays L.) by expression profiling. BMC Plant Biology 2009, 9:15 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-9-15



40.   Soria-Guerra R, Xu ML, Korban S. 2008. Transgenic apple lines carrying vfa genes in tandem for resistance to apple scab. Hortscience 43:1156-1156.


41.   Chen YS, Chao Q, Tan GQ, Zhao J, Zhang MJ, Ji Q, and Xu ML*. 2008. Identification and   fine-mapping of a major QTL conferring resistance against head smut in maize. Theor Appl Genet,117:1241.


42.   Chen JJ, Ding JH, Ouyang YD, Du HY, Yang JY, Cheng K, Zhao J, Qiu SQ, Zhang XL, Yao JL, Liu KD, Wang L, CG Xu, Li XH, Xue YB, Xia M, Ji Q, Lu JF, Xu ML, and Zhang QF. 2008. A tri-allelic system of S5 is a major regulator of the reproductive barrier and compatibility of indica-japonica hybrids in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci 105: 11436-11441


43.   Jiang L, Ingvardsen CR, Lubberstedt T, Xu ML*. 2008. The Pic19 NBS-LRR gene family members are closely linked to Scmv1, but not involved in maize resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus. Genome, 51:673-684.


44.   Chen SH, Yang Y, Shi WW, Ji Q, He F, Zhang ZD, Cheng ZK, Liu XN, and Xu ML*. 2008.    

Badh2, encoding betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase, inhibits the biosynthesis of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, a major component in rice fragrance. Plant Cell 20: 1850-1861


45.   Wen WE, Li GQ, He ZH, Yang WY, Xu ML, Xia XC. 2008. Development of an STS marker closely linked to Yr26 against wheat stripe rust using the resistance gene-analog polymorphism (RGAP) technique. Mol Breed 22:507-515


46.   Wang YJ, Yin GM, Yang Q, Tang JH, Lu XM, Korban SS, Xu ML*. 2008. Identification and isolation of Mu-flanking fragments from maize. J of Genetics and Genomics 35: 207-213


47.   Malnoy M, Xu ML, Borejsza-Wysocka E, Korban SS, and Aldwinckle HS. 2008. Two receptor-like genes, Vfa1 and Vfa2, confer resistance to the fungal pathogen Venturia inaequalis inciting apple scab disease. Mol Plant-Microbe Interact 21:448-458.


48.   Shi WW, Yang Y, Chen SH, Xu ML*. 2008. Discovery of a new fragrance allele and the development of functional markers for the breeding of fragrant rice varieties. Mol Breed 22:185-192.


Before 2007

49.   Xiao WK, Zhao J, Fan SC, Li L, Dai JR, Xu ML*. 2007. Mapping of genome-wide resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in maize (Zea mays L.). Theor Appl Genet. 115:501-508.


50.   Wang GX, Chen Y, Zhao JR, Li L, Korban SS, Wang FG, Dai JR, Xu ML*. 2007. Mapping of defense response gene homologues and their association with resistance loci in maize. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49:1580-1598.


51.   Han YP, Gasic K, Sun FJ, Xu ML, Korban SS. 2006. A gene encoding starching branching enzyme I (SBEI) in apple (Malus × domestica, Rosaceae) and its phylogenetic relationship to Sbe genes from other angiosperms. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43:852-863.


52.   Farrar K, Asp T, Lübberstedt T, Xu ML, Christiansen C, Thomas A, Humphreys M, Donnison I. 2006. Construction and utilization of two Lolium perenne BAC libraries. Mol Breed. 19:15-23.


53.   Chen SH, Wu J, Yang Y, Shi WW, Xu ML*. 2006. The fgr gene responsible for rice fragrance was restricted within 69kb. Plant Science 171505-514.


54.   Xiao WK, Xu ML*, Zhao JR, Wang FG, Li JS, Dai JR. 2006. Genome-wide isolation of resistance gene analogs in maize (Zea mays L.) Theor Appl Genet. 113:63-72.


55.   He Y, Han YP, Jiang L, Xu CW, Lu JF, Xu ML*. 2006. Functional analysis of starch-synthesis genes in determining rice eating and cooking qualities. Mol Breed 18:277-290.


56.   Ji Q, Lu JF, Chao Q, Gu MH, Xu ML*. 2005. Delimiting a rice wide-compatibility gene S5n to a 50 kb region. Theor Appl Genet 111: 1495- 1503.


57.   Xu ML, Li X and Korban SS, 2004. DNA methylation alterations and exchanges during in vitro cellular differentiation in rose (Rosa hybrida L.). Theor Appl Genet 109899-910.


58.   Xu ML and Korban SS, 2004. Somatic variation plays a key role in driving the evolution of the Vf gene family that confer resistance to apple scab disease. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 3257-65.


59.   Huaracha, E.M., Xu ML, K. Gasic, E. Pauwels, A. van den Putte, J.W. Keulemans, and S.S. Korban. 2004. Phenotypic reaction and genetic analysis using AFLP-derived SCARs for resistance to apple scab. J. Phytopathology 152260-266.

60.   Han YP, Xu ML*, Liu XY, Yan CJ, Korban SS, Chen XL and Gu MH.2004. Genes coding for starch branching enzymes are major contributors to starch viscosity characteristics in waxy rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Science 166:357-364.


61.   Liu XY, Gu MH, Han YP, Ji Q, Lu JF, Gu SL, Zhang R, Li X, Chen JM, Korban S S and Xu ML*. 2003. Developing gene-tagged molecular markers for functional analysis of starch-synthesizing genes in rice (Oryza Sativa L.). Euphytica 135:345-353.


62.   Xu ML and Korban SS. 2003. Positional cloning of the apple scab resistance gene Vf. Proc. XXVII Intl. Hort. Cong. Acta Hort. 625:79-87.


63.   Carr J, Xu ML and Korban SS. 2003. Estimating genetic diversity in New Guinea impatiens. Proc. XXVII Intl. Hort. Cong. 623:161-168.


64.   Dußle C, Quin M, Melchinger AE, Xu ML and Luebberstedt T, 2003. Saturation of two chromosome regions conferring resistance to SCMV by targeted BSA. Theor Appl Genet 106:485-493.


65.   Carr, J., Xu ML, J.W. Dudley, and S.S. Korban. 2003. AFLP analysis of genetic variability in New Guinea impatiens. Theor Appl Genet 106: 1509-1516.


66.   Huaracha E, Xu ML, Pauwels E, Keulemans W and Korban SS, 2002. Comparison of marker-assisted selection and phenotypic selection for apple scab resistance in a set of apple progenies Theor Appl Genet 108:274-479.


67.   Li XQ, Xu ML and Korban SS, 2002. DNA methylation profiles differ between field- and in vitro-grown leaves of apple. Journal of plant physiology 159:1229-1234.


68.   Xu ML and Korban SS, 2002. A cluster of four active receptor-like genes reside in the Vf locus that confers resistance to apple scab disease. Genetics 162:1995-2006.


69.   Dußle CM, Quint M, Xu ML, Melchinger AE and Luebberstedt T, 2002. Conversion of AFLP fragments tightly linked to SCMV resistance genes Scmv1 and Scmv2 into simple PCR-based markers. Theor Appl Genet 105: 1190-1195.


70.   Quint M, Mihaljevic R, Dußle CM, Xu ML, Melchinger AE and Luebberstedt T, 2002. Genetic mapping of candidate genes for SCMV resistance in maize and conversion into RGA-CAPS markers. Theor Appl Genet 105:355-363.


71.   Xu ML and Korban SS, 2002. AFLP-derived SCARs facilitate construction of a 1.1 Mb sequence-ready map of a region that spans the Vf locus in the apple genome. Plant Mol Biology 50: 803-818.


72.   Korban SS and Xu ML, 2002. Going after the scab resistance gene. Trans. Ill. Hort. Soc. 134:15-20.


73.   Xu ML, Korban SS, Song JQ, and Jiang JM 2002. Constructing a bacterial artificial chromosome library of the apple cultivar GoldRush. Acta Hort. 595:103-112.


74.   Xu ML, Song JQ, Cheng ZK, Jiang JM and Korban SS, 2001. A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Malus floribunda 821 and contig construction for positional cloning of the apple scab resistance gene Vf. Genome 44:1104-1113.


75.   Xu ML, Huaracha E and Korban SS, 2001. Development of sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCARs) from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers tightly linked to the Vf gene in apple. Genome 44:63-70.


76.   Xu ML, Li XQ and Korban SS, 2000. AFLP-based detection of DNA methylation. Plant Mol Biol Rep 18: 361-368.


77.   Xu ML and Korban SS, 2000. Saturation mapping of the apple scab resistance gene Vf using AFLP markers. Theor Appl Genet 101: 844-851.


78.   Xu ML, Melchinger AE and Luebberstedt T, 2000. Origin of Scm1 and Scm2 - two loci conferring resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) in maize. Theor Appl Genet 100: 934-941.


79.   Luebberstedt T, Xia XC, Xu ML, Kuntze L, Melchinger AE, 1999. Inheritance of resistance to SCMV and MDMV in European maize. In: Proc. of the XVth EUCARPIA 1998 General Congress: Genetics and breeding for crop quality and resistance, G.T.S. Mugnozza (ed.), pp. 241-250 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands


80.   Xu ML, Melchinger AE, Xia XC and Luebberstedt T, 1999. High-resolution mapping of loci conferring resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus in maize using RFLP, SSR, and AFLP markers. Mol Gen Genet 261: 574-581.


81.   Xu ML, Melchinger AE and Luebberstedt T, 1999. Species-specific detection of the maize pathogens Sporisorium reiliana and Ustilago maydis by dot blot hybridization and PCR-based assays. Plant Dis 83: 390-395.

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