Group Leader
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    Yan Guo, Professor
    Telephone:010 627302882
    Research Direction:Plant abiotic stress responses

2009-                   Professor, China Agriculture University, Beijing, China

2004 to 2009       Assistant Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China

1999 to 2003      Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Plant

Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

1995 to 1999       Ph.D. Student, Max-Planck-Institute for Plant

                            Breeding, Cologne, Germany.

1988 to 1995       Research Assistant and Associate, Institute of

                            Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

Main Research Direction

I am interested in studying how plants sense and respond to environmental stresses such as high soil salinity/alkalinity and drought. Particularly, we are interested in understanding regulation of Ca2+ signaling and pH homeostasis under salt stress in plants. The goals are to elucidate the plant signaling pathways in response to environmental stresses and to identify key components that can potentially be engineered for improvement of crop plants to encounter  environmental stresses.

Address:No. 4063, Center for Life Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.
Telephone:010-62733475 Fax:010-62733491
CopyRight2023,State Key Laboratory of Plant Environmental Resilience, ICP:302_23001