Research Interest:
Phosphorus (P) is an essential macronutrient for plant growth and reproduction. The phosphate (Pi) concentration in soil solutions is typically 10 mM or less,which results in Pi starvation and impacts plant growth and development. And due to the properties of Pi in soils, only 15-25% of P fertilizer supply is taken up by plants. Our research is screening and identifying novel components in Arabidopsis and maize response to low-Pi stress, and investigating the functions of these components, which may improve plant Pi acquisition and use efficiency under variable Pi supply. And we are also investigating the crosstalk of Pi and other mineral elements.
1. Chen Y#, Wang HY#, Chen YF* (2021) The transcription factor MYB40 is a central regulator in arsenic resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Commun 2:100234
2. Wang Y#, Chen YF#, Wu WH* (2021) Potassium and phosphorus transport and signaling in plants. J Integr Plant Biol 63: 34-52.
1. Wang X, Wang HF, Chen Y, Sun MM, Wang Y, Chen YF* (2020) The transcription factor NIGT1.2 modulates both phosphate uptake and nitrate influx during phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis and maize. Plant Cell 32: 3519-3534.
2. Wang F#, Cui PJ#, Tian Y#, Huang Y, Wang HF, Liu F, Chen YF* (2020) Maize ZmPT7 regulates Pi uptake and redistribution which is modulated by phosphorylation. Plant Biotechnol J 18: 2406-2419.
1. Ye Q, Wang H, Su T, Wu WH, Chen YF* (2018) The ubiquitin E3 ligase PRU1 regulates WRKY6 degradation to modulate phosphate homeostasis in response to low-Pi stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 30: 1062-1076.
1. Huang Y, Sun MM, Ye Q, Wu XQ, Wu WH, Chen YF* (2017) Abscisic acid modulates seed germination via ABA INSENSITIVE5-mediated PHOSPHATE1. Plant Physiol 175: 1661-1668.
1. Huang Y#, Feng CZ#, Ye Q#, Wu WH, Chen YF* (2016) Arabidopsis WRKY6 transcription factor acts as a positive regulator of abscisic acid signaling during seed germination and early seedling development. PLoS Genet 12: e1005833.
1. Su T#, Xu Q#, Zhang FC#, Chen Y, Li LQ, Wu WH, Chen YF* (2015) WRKY42 modulates phosphate homeostasis through regulating phosphate translocation and acquisition in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 167: 1579-1591.
1. Feng CZ#, Chen Y#, Wang C#, Kong YH, Wu WH, Chen YF* (2014) Arabidopsis RAV1 transcription factor, phosphorylated by SnRK2 kinases, regulates the expression of ABI3, ABI4, and ABI5 during seed germination and early seedling development. Plant J. 80: 654-668.
2. Wang H, Xu Q, Kong YH, Chen Y, Duan JY, Wu WH, Chen YF* (2014) Arabidopsis WRKY45 transcription factor activates PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER1;1 expression in response to phosphate starvation. Plant Physiol. 164: 2020-2029.
3. Lei L, Li Y, Wang Q, Xu J, Chen Y, Yang H, Ren D* (2014) Activation of MKK9-MPK3/MPK6 enhances phosphate acquisition in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol 203: 1146-1160.
1. Liu WX#, Zhang FC#, Zhang WZ#, Song LF, Wu WH, Chen YF* (2013) Arabidopsis Di19 functions as a transcription factor and modulates PR1, PR2, and PR5 expression in response to drought stress. Mol Plant 6: 1487-1502.
1. Chen YF#, Li LQ#, Xu Q, Kong YH, Wang H, Wu WH* (2009) The WRKY6 transcription factor modulates PHOSPHATE1 expression in response to low Pi stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21: 3554-3566.
1. Chen YF, Wang Y, Wu WH* (2008) Membrane transporters for nitrogen, phosphate and potassium uptake in plants. J Integr Plant Biol 50: 835-48.