Group Leader
  • ...
    Chang-Fu Tian, Professor
    Research Direction:Mechanisms of rhizobial symbiotic nitrogen fixation and its engineering with synthetic biology

Working experience

2018.1 – present, Professor at China Agricultural University

2013.1 – 2017.12, Associate Professor at China Agricultural University

2012.3 – 2012.12, Lecturer at China Agricultural University

2010.3 – 2012.3, Post Doc at China Agricultural University


Education background

2003.9  2009.12, PhD student at China Agricultural University 

2007.9 – 2009.9, PhD student at the University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier

1999.9 – 2003.7, Bachelor student at China Agricultural University

Main Research Direction


A32. Liu S, Jiao J, Tian CF*. 2023. Adaptive evolution of rhizobial symbiosis beyond horizontal gene transfer: from genome innovation to regulation reconstruction. Genes. 14: 274 (Invited Review)

A31. Ji YY, Zhang B, Zhang P, Chen LC, Si YW, Wan XY, Li C, Wang RH, Tian Y, Zhang Z, Tian CF*. 2023. Rhizobial migration toward roots mediated by FadL-ExoFQP modulation of extracellular long-chain AHLs. ISME J. 17: 417-431

A30. Guo H, Shi WT, Zhang B, Xu YH, Jiao J, Tian CF*. 2023. Intracellular common gardens reveal niche differentiation in transposable element community during bacterial adaptive evolution. ISME J. 17: 297-308




A29. Shi WT, Zhang B, Li ML, Liu KH, Jiao J*, Tian CF*. 2022. The convergent xenogeneic silencer MucR predisposes α-proteobacteria to integrate AT-rich symbiosis genes. Nucleic Acids Research. 50: 8580-8598

A28. Feng XY, Tian Y, Cui WJ, Li YZ, Wang D, Liu Y, Jiao J, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2022. The PTSNtr-KdpDE-KdpFABC pathway contributes to low potassium stress adaptation and competitive nodulation of Sinorhizobium fredii. mBio. 13: e03721-21

A27. Liu KH, Zhang B, Yang BS, Shi WT, Li YF, Wang Y, Zhang P, Jiao J*, Tian CF*. 2022. Rhizobiales-specific RirA represses a naturally "synthetic" foreign siderophore gene cluster to maintain Sinorhizobium-legume mutualism. mBio. 13: e02900-21 

A26. Jiao J#, Zhang B#, Li ML, Zhang Z*, Tian CF*. 2022. The zinc-finger bearing xenogeneic silencer MucR in α-proteobacteria balances adaptation and regulatory integrity. ISME J. 16: 738-749



A25. Li ML, Jiao J, Zhang B, Shi WT, Yu WH, Tian CF*. 2021. Global transcriptional repression of diguanylate cyclases by MucR1 is essential for Sinorhizobium-soybean symbiosis. mBio. 12: e01192-21 (Correction)

A24. Cui WJ#, Zhang B#, Zhao R, Liu LX, Jiao J, Zhang Z*, Tian CF*. 2021. Lineage-specific rewiring of core pathways predating innovation of legume nodules shapes symbiotic efficiency. mSystems.6(2):e01299-20



A23. Jiao J, Tian CF*. 2020. Ancestral zinc-finger bearing protein MucR in alpha-proteobacteria : A novel xenogeneic silencer ? Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 18: 3623-31

A22. Zhang P, Zhang B, Jiao J, Dai SQ, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2020. Modulation of symbiotic compatibility by rhizobial zinc starvation machinery. mBio. 11: e03193-19



A21. Sun YW, Li Y, Hu Y, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2019. Coordinated regulation of the size and number of polyhydroxybutyrate granules by core and accessory phasins in the facultative microsymbiont Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85(19):e00717-19(Spotlight article)



A20. Jiao J#, Ni M#, Zhang B, Zhang Z, Young JPW, Chan TF, Chen WX, Lam HM*, Tian CF*.  2018. Coordinated regulation of core and accessory genes in the multipartite genome of Sinorhizobium fredii. PLoS Genetics.14(5): e1007428

A19. Hu Y, Jiao J, Liu LX, Sun YW, Chen WF, Sui XH, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2018. Evidence for phosphate starvation of rhizobia without terminal differentiation in legume nodules. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 31: 1060-1068

A18.Wang XL, Cui WJ, Feng XY, Zhong ZM, Li Y, Chen WX, Chen WF, Shao XM*, Tian CF*. 2018. Rhizobia inhabiting nodules and rhizosphere soils of alfalfa : A strong selection of facultative microsymbionts. Soil Biol. Biochem. 116:340–350.

A17. Zhao R#, Liu LX#, Zhang YZ, Jiao J, Cui WJ, Zhang B, Wang XL, Li ML, Chen Y, Xiong ZQ, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2018. Adaptive evolution of rhizobial symbiotic compatibility mediated by co-evolved insertion sequences. ISME J. 12:101–111.



A16. Liu LX, Li QQ, Zhang YZ, Hu Y, Jiao J, Guo HJ, Zhang XX, Zhang B, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2017. The nitrate-reduction gene cluster components exert lineage-dependent contributions to optimization of Sinorhizobium symbiosis with soybeans. Environ. Microbiol. 19:4926–4938 

A15. Xiong HY, Zhang XX, Guo HJ, Ji YY, Li Y, Wang XL, Zhao W, Mo FY, Cheng CJ, Yang T, Zong X, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2017. The epidemicity of facultative microsymbionts in faba bean rhizosphere soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 115: 243–252

A14. Zhang XX#, Guo HJ#, Jiao J, Zhang P, Xiong HY, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2017. Pyrosequencing of rpoB uncovers a significant biogeographical pattern of rhizobial species in soybean rhizosphere. J. Biogeogr. 44:1491–1499.



A13. Jiao J#, Wu LJ#, Zhang B, Hu Y, Li Y, Zhang XX, Guo HJ, Liu LX, Chen WX, Zhang Z, Tian CF*. 2016. MucR is required for transcriptional activation of conserved ion transporters to support nitrogen fixation of Sinorhizobium fredii in soybean nodules. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 29:352–361.

A12. Li YZ#, Wang D#, Feng XY, Jiao J, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2016. Genetic analysis reveals the essential role of nitrogen phosphotransferase system components in Sinorhizobium fredii CCBAU 45436 symbioses with soybean and pigeonpea plants. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 82:1305–1315.(Spotlight article)

A11. Wang D#, Wang YC#, Wu LJ, Liu JX, Zhang P, Jiao J, Yan H, Liu T, Tian CF*, Chen WX. 2016. Construction and pilot screening of a signature-tagged mutant library of Sinorhizobium fredii. Arch. Microbiol. 198:91–99.



A10. Liu T, Tian CF*, Chen WX. 2015. Site-specific Ser/Thr/Tyr phosphoproteome of Sinorhizobium meliloti at stationary phase. PLoS One 10:e0139143.



A9. Guo HJ, Wang ET, Zhang XX, Li QQ, Zhang YM, Tian CF*, Chen WX. 2014. Replicon-dependent differentiation of symbiosis-related genes in Sinorhizobium nodulating Glycine max. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80:1245–1255.


A8. Zhang XX, Guo HJ, Wang R, Sui XH, Zhang YM, Wang ET, Tian CF*, Chen WX. 2014. Genetic divergence of Bradyrhizobium nodulating soybeans as revealed by multilocus sequence analysis of genes inside and outside the symbiosis island. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80:3181–3190.



A7. Li Y, Tian CF*, Chen WF, Wang L, Sui XH, Chen WX. 2013. High-resolution transcriptomic analyses of Sinorhizobium sp. NGR234 bacteroids in determinate nodules of Vigna unguiculata and indeterminate nodules of Leucaena leucocephala. PLoS One 8:e70531.



A6. Tian CF*#, Zhou YJ#, Zhang YM#, Li QQ#, Zhang YZ#, Li DF, Wang S, Wang J, Gilbert LB, Li YR*, Chen WX. 2012. Comparative genomics of rhizobia nodulating soybean suggests extensive recruitment of lineage-specific genes in adaptations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109:8629–8634.

A5. Tian CF#, Garnerone A-M#, Mathieu-Demazière C, Masson-Boivin C, Batut J*. 2012. Plant-activated bacterial receptor adenylate cyclases modulate epidermal infection in the Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago symbiosis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109:6751–6756.


A4. Zhang YM, Tian CF*, Sui XH, Chen WF, Chen WX. 2012. Robust markers reflecting phylogeny and taxonomy of rhizobia. PLoS One 7:e44936.



A3. Tian CF, Young JPW, Wang ET, Tamimi SM, Chen WX, Chen WX*. 2010. Population mixing of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae nodulating Vicia faba: the role of recombination and lateral gene transfer. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 73: 563–76.



A2. Tian CF, Wang ET, Wu LJ, Han TX, Chen WF, Gu CT, et al. 2008. Rhizobium fabae sp nov., a bacterium that nodulates Vicia faba. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 58: 2871–2875.



A1.Tian CF, Wang ET, Han TX, Sui XH, Chen WX*. 2007. Genetic diversity of rhizobia associated with Vicia faba in three ecological regions of China. Arch. Microbiol. 188: 273–282.




En Tao Wang, Wen Feng Chen, Chang Fu Tian, J. Peter W. Young, Wen Xin Chen. Ecology and Evolution of Rhizobia: Principles and Applications. Springer. 2019.


Book chapter

Zhang B, Jiao J, Zhang P, Cui WJ, Zhang Z, Tian CF*. 2021. Comparative Analysis of Core and Accessory Genes in Coexpression Network. Methods in Molecular Biology 2242:45-58 (in book: Bacterial Pangenomics)

Address:No. 4063, Center for Life Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.
Telephone:010-62733475 Fax:010-62733491
CopyRight2023,State Key Laboratory of Plant Environmental Resilience, ICP:302_23001